Quasi-annual pilgrimage to Robertson Glacier Valley

Trip date: Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

Submitted by Diana Piggott


Diehard Diana


Spectacular day to visit these hallowed spaces! I took my own advice and started from Burstall trailhead just before 8 am. The well worn trail was quite icy! Skins might have helped?

I took the easy exit to the flats, and found very good travel on mostly good crust. Pussywillows galore (sorry), no bear sign but lots of bird sign.

I did not see another living creature on the trail, until back at the dam I encountered a huge group of snowshoers on their way out, apparently associated with an "experiential" high school. In the parking lot a lone skate skier with dog came up from Mud Lake, which looks great for skate skiing :-)

The road up from PLPP was great in the early morning and not terrible on the return.