Many thanks to all groomers.

Trip date: Monday Mar 21, 2022

Submitted by Eyesopen


Just me


I want to say a huge thanks to all of the skilled and dedicated groomers.
I skate skied Bill milne last Fri and that was my last ski for this season as far as I can tell.

This season I've been fortunate to ski on many wonderful trails and conditions from Moraine lake rd, the 1A, Pipestone, to Golden, PLPP, WBC,Ribbon Creek/wedge pond, Cascade fire road, Castle junction lookout, and Goat creek.
I'm always amazed and grateful to learn the groomers are out doing the great work they do at 2:30amish when the rest of us are sleeping and preparing for a great day of skiing.

Best regards to all groomers and I hope you catch up on your sleep soon.

Rhonda W