Spring skiing at PLPP

Trip date: Saturday Mar 26, 2022

Submitted by Jeff P


Herb and i


Beautiful spring ski at Peter Lougheed today. Parked at Pocaterra at around 10:30. Hardly any cars. It was 2C and we used wax less skis. Fresh new grooming from the night before from Pocaterra, over Lynx and then older grooming that was a bit icy on Amos and Wheeler. Trail up Whiskeyjack had a cam of fresh snow on older tracks-great grip with the wax less skis. Back down Pocaterra on older trackset. Fast skiing, but the conditions were not icy and it was easily controllable. Fresh grooming on Pocaterra from Packers junction all the way back including Rolly. About 6c back at the parking lot. The skiing was surprisingly good ( a struggle if you were trying to use wax).