PLPP Lionel - Pocaterra

Trip date: Tuesday Apr 12, 2022

Submitted by Alf Skrastins


Pete and me


It finally got cold enough for long enough for me to be confident that the snow base on Highway #40 was solid enough for easy skiing on skinny skis. It was -13C, with an north tail-wind when we started from the PLPP winter gate. There was 2 cm of new snow on the firm base, which steadily increased in depth to 5-6cm by the time we reached the "back door" connector to Pocaterra. Pocaterra had a similar amount of new snow on top of the recent grooming and one of the tracks had been skied in by a couple of skiers. All of the skiing was fast, silent and easy... ideal mid-winter conditions. We used the old "Lionel" trail from Rolly Road to get back onto Highway #40 to complete the loop.