Great Day at Kananaskis Village

Trip date: Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

Submitted by SkierRoger



It was fantastic to hear from chuckley about the great conditions at MLR today.

I too was treated to a beautiful day at Kananaskis village. Terrace and Kovach trails were recently rolled, which made for some great skiing. Aspen trail was not groomed, but skier trackset - it was a delight.

Not quite enough snow for track setting. A few dirty patches towards the lower sections: nothing that can’t be easily avoided, however.

I was surprised to find the parking lot was a balmy -10 degrees! It was a fair amount cooler in the shade though. My green wax worked great today - no slipping on the uphills, with a strong kick & glide on the flats.

One more dump of snow would allow the groomers to lay some tracks!

These are very good early season conditions.