Telephone Loop at WBC Monday morning

Trip date: Monday Nov 14, 2022

Submitted by Carl V M


self and Brian P


The going around Telephone Loop today (anti clockwise or east to west) was remarkably good. Of course the spectacular weather (sunny, a few degrees below zero) helped.
There are a significant number of sharks on the south facing slopes on the east side. Those are easy enough to avoid while climbing up, but would be dicey if doing the loop clockwise. We didn't encounter any of that on the descent toward Moose Loop.
None of Telephone has been trackset, the foot traffic gets to be less and less as one goes around. A few hundred meters past the Long Distance junction it resolved to skier set track.
Of course there are still some walkers or runners who insist on stepping on the well defined ski tracks. I'll be charitable and hope that they are illiterate and not able to read the multiple signs requesting that walkers stay off ski tracks.
I was on my old Kazama Mtn Highs (skinny, steel edged), but Brian managed admirably on fish scale (non steel edged) skis.