First post Covid (round 2) ski! YIPPEE

Trip date: Monday Nov 14, 2022

Submitted by Helen Read


Hubby downhills at Lk Louise while I XC'd


Because he wants to be first on the lifts, I arrived 3rd car in parking lot at 8:45 and -14. Lots of ski racers from Sask and locally in training and getting ready: definitely not a racing bone in my body! Snow was nice and cold with stunning hoar frost to distract me. Got passed by my massage therapist of 20 years, Bob O. which was fun. Skiing down was not as fast as previously described by Chuckley (thank goodness!) Many were working hard; it being their first time out also. -6 at noon and off to Laggan's, then to pick up hubby. Great to see so many reports; glad Aqua Toque did not deter Ma Sid or Mr Democracy.