My all-time favourite

Trip date: Monday Dec 12, 2022

Submitted by Bob Truman



Firm grip, fast glide, cold snow, excellent tracks, nice weather, with lots of animal tracks to observe. Today was one of those days where you could experience, as my friend Chip would say, the soul-mending rhythm of cross-country skiing.

When conditions are good, there’s no better ski trip than the Tyrwhitt loop in PLPP. (Helen Read has nicknamed it the SkierBob Special). It starts out with a rigorous uphill on Whiskey Jack followed by a cruise through the scenic and glorious meadows of Tyrwhitt.

From the Tyrwhitt/Hydroline/Elk pass junction I enjoyed the screaming fast downhills on Elk pass, followed by pleasant and gradual cruising to the Fox creek turn-off.

The single-track of Fox creek with a slight downhill is thrilling as you twist and turn through the trees that are close enough to touch. You know you’re having fun when you can double-pole the entire distance of Fox creek, while dodging spruce and pine and negotiating tight turns that overlook the freezing waters of the creek.

There was some fresh snow on top of the grooming but the tracks were still very good. The air temperature was -7°C at 1:30 pm and the snow was a blue wax -8°

Starting out late, I didn't have much sun so most of my photos turned out pretty dull, but I did manage to get a few photos where the sun was present.