Kicking Horse Trail: beautiful powder on Parks Canada groomed trail!!

Trip date: Monday Jan 02, 2023

Submitted by Helen Read


Juliana and I


Arrived at 9am (Yoho time) -8. Weather reports showed sunshine all day but it was overcast and only warmed to -7. Blue wax no brainer, but this trail is 75% flat, and one hardly needs anything to climb the long gentle hill back up to the parking lot at Natural Bridge. We were all by our lonesome until the return. The grooming seems generally wider now, even on the last part to Ottertail River end point. Might bring a little shovel next time to clean that perfect lunch spot bench at km 7. Just before that last narrow bridge, they have moved that bench to the other side. Now I know why we did not run into Chris and Karl there; they returned to Pipestone.