Pocaterra - Finally! - Pocaterra, Come along, Pocaterra, Lynx, Amos, Wheeler, Whiskey, Pocaterra

Trip date: Monday Feb 13, 2023

Submitted by Ray Yong




After reading Sara M's Pocaterra report, I decided it was finally time for me to start there. I've been avoiding it, waiting for better conditions. Boy did that work out! Arriving at 0800, there was 3-5 cm of fresh snow covering the extensive debris from yesterday's wind. Temp was -3 at the trailhead, under cloudy skies.

Snow was small-grained but humid, making for slow going, but it's hard to beat the beauty of a fresh trail.

Snow thickened as I climbed, and by the time I reached the Whiskey/Pocaterra/Tyrwhitt junction, I was in an all-out blizzard for about 15-20 minutes, adding 3-4 cm to the 6 or 7 cm already there.

The sun came out and changed conditions quite a bit. Any areas in the sunlight became pretty sticky, and I had a lot of clumping, even under the skins of my skis. Fresh glide wax helped on the glide areas.

Temp was -2 at the trailhead at 1330 - a really slow ski, but absolutely gorgeous.