Superb PLPP

Trip date: Monday Feb 27, 2023

Submitted by ErinP


Me and Jeff G (the Monday crew)


PLPP couldn’t be better today! Dad and I followed reports of fresh grooming to the visitor’s centre (-10 at 9:30) and we started off going up Meadow and then Wheeler. Tracks were absolutely pristine, and the dusting of snow in them did not slow us down. We then climbed Whiskey Jack, and although we lost the fresh grooming, a few people had been up ahead of us and had smoothed out the tracks so it was a lovely climb. Then for the fun part: the descent down Pocaterra on silky snow! No clear tracks here either but only a centimetre or two in the tracks from a few nights ago, so no problemo. Same story for Lynx, and when we arrived back at Woolley, the fresh grooming made us feel like we were flying all the way back to the car. Along the way, we saw lynx and moose tracks, although no animal sightings. It was somewhere around -4 or -5 at 1:30 when we arrived back at the parking lot. Dad’s skins and my fish scales both loved the snow, and I bet wax skis would have also been fantastic. What a day!