WBC from the south

Trip date: Wednesday Mar 08, 2023

Submitted by Diana Piggott




I can't believe all the blue sky pictures I am seeing here!

It was a chilly grey day at West Bragg Creek, with fine snow grains in the air. I parked at the Fullerton trailhead, and basically skied the Iron Springs - Elbow loop, with an excursion down Iron Creek. The first km or so was well trodden down by multiple user types, and the first hill out of the parking lot rather sketchy, but it was all skiable. Some horse poop was easily avoided.

Beyond Fullerton loop, conditions improved a lot, and when I got to Iron Springs it was quite delightful skier tracked snow. Where south becomes north, recent grooming took over, which I found less forgiving, but generally very good skiing.

It was fairly quiet today, not surprising given the cold, gloomy weather.