Final grooming of the season at PLPP

Trip date: Sunday Apr 16, 2023

Submitted by Alf Skrastins


Two of us


The final grooming of the 2022/23 season was done on Saturday night, so today was out last day to ski on new tracks. There was a bit of an overnight freeze and not new snow and it was already above zero when we arrived at the Boulton Creek parking lot. We started out on Moraine, which was fast but starting to get thin in a few spots. Then up Fox Creek which had been flat-groomed, but not track set. And then we headed up Elk Pass, which was absolutely perfect. At the Blueberry Hill junction we opted for an off-track tour across the West Elk Pass meadows, towards Elk Lakes cabin. Amazing travel conditions on those stunning meadows!
At the power line, we poked around the cut blocks for a bit, before returning to Alberta at Elk Pass. Next, we took Tyrwhitt and did a quick up-and-back visit to Lookout, which was in great condition for climbing or descending. And we completed our loop by flying down Pocaterra, which was pretty fast, and then down Packers, which was a slower descent in softer, melting snow.

What a fabulous way to close out the official ski grooming season at PLPP.
If the weather this week turns out as forecast, this won't be the last of the skiing in the Elk Pass area.