WBC (Tom snow +)

Trip date: Sunday Dec 24, 2023

Submitted by MaSid



-18 in the lot this morning at 9 and a brisk wind. Took moose connector to moose south to access middle Tom snows heading south to mountain rd. Thin icy base off the grooming but decent enough (AT gear for float). The drainages at the north end were frozen and well covered for easy skiing. Boot packed up the steep hill. Some dirty bits awaiting brave descenders. The rest was fine. Even some folks on skinny skis taking advantage. The group I passed may have lost a single skin ski skin (glue on) in the west meadow. Left it at the warming hut. Went up the mountain rd extension to the start of the steeper hill on the way to Tom snow south, but didn’t bother with it given the thin base. Some additional meadows were wandered in, just for the sunny twiggyness. Warm in west meadow on return and some icing. About -3 back at the car about 2. No merch shopping availability on the last shopping day. Next time.