Snowy West Bragg Creek

Trip date: Sunday Feb 04, 2024

Submitted by Alf Skrastins



A total of 25-30cm of snow fell at West Bragg Creek on Saturday and Sunday. It came in wet and heavy, so it bonded nicely to the icy base from the previous week. The snow overnight snow fell at about -7C, so it was quite dry and fluffy.
While the ski groomers were busy packing the core trails with the Bobcat and SnowRabbit, I opted to ski my favourite loop in its pristine powder condition. Hostel Loop is a pretty, varied and rolling classic-only ski loop. It twists and turns its way among stands of large aspens, pines and spruce. I love it!

We also skied some of the Crystal Line loops, to see that the days roller packing was setting up nicely. I expect all of those trails will get their final grooming and track setting passes in the next day or two.

It looks as if winter is back and that it will actually stick around for a while, this time!