Climb on!

Trip date: Monday Mar 04, 2024

Submitted by C&T




We opted for a PLPP ski today and chose a steady climbing route to keep us warm during the first part of the day. Started at Boulton Bridge and headed up Whiskey Jack - with a few centimetres in the few day old track sets and then on to Fire Lookout, enjoying the groomed trails from last night with a dusting of new snow. A moose had enjoyed the newly groomed trails as well!(See below photo). Saw Erin and Vanessa descending as we were climbing - the only people we saw today. All of us enjoying the beauty of the bountiful snow! No issues keeping warm as we ascended - it was a balmy -10 at the top of Fire Lookout. We turned around at the top and headed down the way we had come, all the way back down to Boulton Bridge. For the downhill we added an extra layer and enjoyed practicing our s-turns - snow conditions were perfect for this.