Bill Milne, Wedge Connector and Extension

Trip date: Friday Mar 08, 2024

Submitted by Ray Yong


Julie and I


Just to add some notes to CMS' report - started around mid afternoon from Evan Thomas (note - groomers haven't groomed the ditch from hwy 40 to Bill Milne across from Evan Thomas. If you're going, I'd advise starting from the golf course or Wedge Pond). +3 deg and sunny. Went north to the trail closure (if you're wondering where that is, it's at the northern-most bridge in the meadow, so you get to ski most of the meadow, which is great). Trail's in excellent shape, but since it was so warm it was pretty soft and crunchy. Expect it to be crusty tomorrow 'til it warms up.

Progress was slow-ish in the sun affected parts of the trail, but grip was fine in our skin and waxless skis.

Also did the Wedge Connector and the Extension. Love that extension! Conditions were best in the trees (yay, powder!), but there are lots of hardened snow bombs in the tracks.