PLPP southern perimeter tour

Trip date: Thursday Feb 17, 2022

Submitted by gh


just me


I started at upper Boulton and first skied to Elk Pass via Moraine/Fox Creek/Elk Pass. Then I skied Trywhitt with a side trip to East Elk Pass to have lunch at one of MaSid's couches. There was about 2 cm of snow over the last tracks up. I returned via Pocaterra/Lynx/Amos/Wheeler.

Conditions were excellent where grooming had been done last night (Trywhitt and other trails that I did not do). The other trails that I skied were generally okay or even good. There were no issues on descents. There were some areas in dense forest with lots of needles on the trail. There has not been a lot of snow recently. The 12 cm that we got yesterday overnight did not really reach that far into the mountains. It was warm again, -1 to start, +2 at East Elk Pass and -1 to finish. Stickiness on the my bases was a bit of an issue lower down and also on the back country part up to East Elk Pass. There will be some glazing tomorrow, particularly on trails that are not refreshed tonight.