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Report Submitted by Carole
(trip) Date: Friday Feb 09, 2024

Submitted: Friday Feb 09, 2024 at 20:00


Jamie, George & I


I'll add a bit to Helen's write-up. You took our picture on my phone, Helen, so I am posting it! Conditions got slower around kilometre 10 as there seemed to be more snow and fewer skiers who had gone by before us. Jamie & I broke trail from the fresh snow starting at the Stoney Creek Junction. A few people had skied directly down to the cabin. We had lunch in the sun at the Stoney Creek Campground. We did not cross the creek.

I'm skiing again after surviving a cheilectomy in mid-January; so happy to be back! My foot feels fine tonight!

I did a "smile check" at the Cascade Bridge near the campground. Everybody who skied by scored super high! George only scored 50%, which means he was having a great day. Thanks for all those smiles. Thanks for all the oatmeal raisin cookies, George!

I am welcoming Devon to our world of cross-country skiing! He was only out for his sixth time but was the happiest person I encountered today. We had a superb chat as he sat at the Stoney Creek Cabin, pondering his surroundings. I informed him about the skierroger website. I hope you found it, Devon!

We enjoyed hearing the wolves howling in the distance this morning! We are truly in the wild out there.

Total distance: 30.00 Km

Devon's view from Stoney Cabin

So pretty on small trail heading back to cabin

Our lunch view from Stoney Creek Campground

Stoney Cabin Junction

Jamie & Carole (photo taken by Helen)

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