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Baker Creek: no new snow but still perfect tracks

Report Submitted by Helen Read
(trip) Date: Saturday Feb 10, 2024

Submitted: Saturday Feb 10, 2024 at 16:08


Brenda and I


Surprisingly colder than anticipated at -12 mid morning but warmed to -3. Much improved conditions since the Loppet and mostly overcast skies. Decided to ski through Protection Mountain route and enjoyed the quieter snow-filled tracks. Lunch and turnaround in meadow just before entering trees at Castle L/O end. Kazzy's parents wore her out skiing the last two days, so just got to chat with Peter and Chris. Some big boot prints on corduroy part of track-setting on our return to Baker Creek.

Total distance: 18.00 Km

Some aspects of the two camel humps were roller packed without tracks, but made it easier to climb up in warm blue wax.

Don't remember seeing the adjacent slopes so void of snow.

Happy to run into Shawn and Sharon on our return.

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